Introduction to Temperature

This article is about the Introduction of second important industrial parameter which is “Temperature”

Temperature is another important industrial parameter. It is simply defined as degree of hotness or coldness of any substance which can be solid, liquid or gas. Along with pressure, temperature measurement is also very important and crucial parameter of any process. There are various types of units like Degree Celsius (°C), Degree Kelvin (°K), Degree Farenheit (°F), and Degree Rankine (°R). The majorly used units in industries are °C and °F. Others units like Kelvin & Rankine are majorly used in calibration applications and for calculations.

Just like pressure, temperature is globally addressed with namely four categories which are termed as “Room temperature”, “Atmospheric temperature”, “Gauge temperature” and “Absolute temperature”.

Room temperature is the temperature that we face normally and in which we live. Room temperature is generally considered between 25°C to 30°C. It slightly varies depending upon the seasonal changes in our atmosphere.

Just similar to room temperature which is a terminology of temperature for indoor surroundings, there is a terminology called as “Atmospheric temperature” for outdoor or outside surroundings. In India, considering an average among majority of all the states, the temperature is normally between 10° to 45°C ; varying significantly depending upon the seasonal changes and weather conditions.

Gauge temperature is simply the temperature of the fluid (fluid is anything that flows like air, gas, water, liquid etc.) in a closed system for e.g. the temperature of human body, water temperature inside a pipe line, steam temperature inside a pressure cooker, fluid temperature inside a container/vessel/tank and so on. Hope you can imagine now these examples which are very common and are frequently seen in our day to day life.

Absolute temperature is the mathematical representation; used for getting results in calculations, which are not possible by using only gauge temperature values; as in some cases the calculation results tend towards infinity and thus no definite results are achieved. Thus, Absolute temperature values are values which are simply Gauge temperature values in °C or °F converted to °K or °R. By doing this, all the mathematical calculations use absolute values which lead to definite results rather than tending towards infinity and thus avoiding indefinite results.

Temperature parameter is also a very important to know for an Instrumentation Engineer as the same is highly encountered in all the applications, projects and work profiles. The importance of temperature and its measurement has been developed a lot in last 20 years. However, is here to help you in guiding you and making you aware about all those temperature measurements with respect to instrumentation approach.

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Introduction to Level

Fri Jun 19 , 2020
This article is about the Introduction of 4th important industrial parameter which is “Level”
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