Introduction to Level

This article is about the Introduction of 4th important industrial parameter which is “Level”

Level is another important industrial parameter. It is also sometimes called as a “Quality” parameter in some areas where quality of end product holds a great importance just like in batch processes and food industries. Level is nothing but the upward vertical distance (elevated length) of the measured fluid from a reference point. This reference point can be ground zero or any other considered reference height or elevation point. There are very less units used to represent level and they are “mm” (millimetre) and “M” (metre). These units are commonly used universally.

Level parameters holds a very important place in field of instrumentation engineering. Pressure measurements & Density measurements are the highly co-related topics associated with level. This co-relation is very important aspect to know & remember thoroughly. There are various methods till date which are demonstrated globally for measuring “Level” successfully and thus utilizing the measured data for further process operations and control.

Just like pressure, temperature & flow, “Level” is comparatively a linear parameter in terms of measurements, calculations, process operations and hence it is not that much complex ; even with respect to other parameters integration which generally appears in case of inferential measurements. There is one of the biggest area of applications where Level plays a drastic role in sync with “Flow”. This application in itself is a big application practiced worldwide, called as “Terminal automation”. Other very common examples which we daily see in our day to day life is, maintaining of water level in our sintex water tanks at our homes, concrete water tanks on terrace of our residential buildings, municipal overhead storage tanks, etc.

Level is also a very important parameter to know for an Instrumentation Engineer as the same again is highly encountered in all the applications, projects and work profiles. The importance of level and its measurement has been developed a lot in last 20 years. However, is here to help you in guiding you and making you aware about all those level measurements with respect to instrumentation approach.

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Introduction to Flow

Sat Jun 20 , 2020
This article is about the Introduction of 3rd important industrial parameter which is “Flow”
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