Training on Control Valve

Control valve is a very important instrument in terms of process operations and their control. Control valve deals with maximum part of process instrumentation as well as safety instrumentation in multiple area of applications like chemicals, oil & gas , STPs, WTPs, etc. As a final control element, engineering a control valve is a very critical phenomena in industrial real time scenarios, that needs to be thoroughly and carefully addressed by an Instrumentation engineer.

Control valve training module comprises of training sessions on all the necessary and important aspects of control valves. In this training module, the principle, function and application aspects of a control valve shall be discussed and explained which shall cover the exact requirement of control valve’s information that has to be known by an Instrumentation engineer. Other than this, all the types of control valves used in industries shall also be discussed as per their role in respective applications.

Below is the detail listing of topics covered under this training module:

  • Control valve introduction
  • Principle & functional working
  • Control valve characteristics
  • Leakage class classification
  • Control valve sizing
  • Cavitation, Flashing & Choked flow condition
  • Application of control valves
  • Types of control valves
  • Control valve accessories

Please refer the training enrollment procedure details given below. All the training sessions shall be online sessions with all the details, support & guidance required.

Typical Control Valve

Enrollment Procedure for Training Sessions:

  1. Please send us your interest for above training at [email protected], along with your queries or doubts if any.
  2. In return reply, you shall get the plan/schedule of training sessions, fees details and clarifications on the queries or doubts which you may have asked, that will help you to decide and proceed ahead for the training enrollment.
  3. After completing & confirming on above steps, online training sessions shall be commenced as per given plan/schedule.

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